Inputs / Talks
Auftaktsymposium Klimaforschung Niedersachen
Auftaktsymposium Klimaforschung Niedersachen
Inputs / Talks
Vom Klimawissen zum klimabewussten Handeln - Tatjana Schneider im Interview mit dem Zentrum Klimaforschung Niedersachsen
Vom Klimawissen zum klimabewussten Handeln - Tatjana Schneider im Interview mit dem Zentrum Klimaforschung Niedersachsen
Drei Anerkennungen beim WOLFSBURG AWARD for urban vision
Drei Anerkennungen beim WOLFSBURG AWARD for urban vision
Carolina Groß und Mia Gutschalk gewinnen cloud club AWARD 2024
Carolina Groß und Mia Gutschalk gewinnen cloud club AWARD 2024
SAIB übernimmt Nachlass von Prof. Peter Färber (1938-2023), Professor für Architekturzeichnen und Raumgestaltung (1983-2001)
SAIB übernimmt Nachlass von Prof. Peter Färber (1938-2023), Professor für Architekturzeichnen und Raumgestaltung (1983-2001)
Stegreif #08 - 30 Stunden Flagge zeigen
Stegreif #08 - 30 Stunden Flagge zeigen
Architecture School of Commons: GRRR WATERLANDSCAPES
Architecture School of Commons: GRRR WATERLANDSCAPES
Partisan Design Camp
Partisan Design Camp
Inputs / Talks
Tatjana Schneider to be a guest at the 'Uma Revolução Assim' Festival
Tatjana Schneider to be a guest at the 'Uma Revolução Assim' Festival
Uma Revolução Assim. Luta e Ficção: A Questão da Habitação — A REVOLUTION LIKE THIS STRUGGLE & FICTION: THE HOUSING QUESTION: The serious housing crisis has led people to protest for the right to an affordable home, not only in Portugal, but in many parts of the world. This and other issues, such as social inequality, migration and the ecological crisis, are on the agenda of contemporary society, in constant change. Between September 25th and October 6th, the Uma Revolução Assim festival invites to a collective dialogue about what kind of society we want to build and promotes thinking about other ways of living and inhabiting. With artistic interventions in private homes, a series of podcasts, a video essay, talks over lunch, debates and round tables on a mobile stage that transforms itself into a parliament, radio station, open-air cinema, kitchen or living room, and which will travel to various areas of Greater Lisbon.
- URA Jornal 2024 web (pdf)