this & that

A gathering about climate and politics, architecture and ethics, academia and activism, networks and futures, models and utopias, being critical and being naive, transformations and resistance, rebellion and hope.
The event is an invitation to colleagues, collaborators and friends we've had the pleasure of meeting in various contexts over the years. We are coming together to connect ideas, to work, to swim, to eat, to talk about how to counter dichotomies and climate breakdown, how to dismantle modernist fragmentations, how to join forces.
With Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Markus Bader, Ethel Baraona, Henriette Bertram, Camillo Boano, Cristina Cerulli, Burcu Daglayan, Simone De Iacobis, Suryagayathri Devi, Paula Erstmann, Manuel Falkenhahn, Lukas Feireiss, Kim Förster, Jan Gerits, Sabine Hansmann, Gabu Heindl, Beata Hemer, Jan-Holger Hennies, Arne Herbote, Jule Hillgärtner, Noor Khader, Valentina Karga, Florian Kossak, Elke Krasny, Bernadette Krejs, Franca Lopez Barbera, Diana Lucas-Drogan, María Mazzanti, Louise Nguyen, Hanna Noller, Ayscha Omar, Jasmine Parsley, Ben Pohl, Sebastian Quack, Anna Richter, Lara Roth, Rui Santos, Lisa Schwochow, Christina Serifi, Sumugan Sivanesan, Ulrike Steven, Yue Sun, Ayat Tarik, Jeremy Till, Renée Tribble, Henrike Wenzel.
The event is hosted by Tatjana Schneider, Licia Soldavini, Sarah Bovelett and Gilly Karjevsky.
Public Programme
12.09, 17:00–19:00: Searching for Pedagogies of Disarmament — Opening and Public Panel
With Prof. Camillo Boano (Politecnico di Turino | UCL London), Prof. Elke Krasny (ABK Vienna), Prof. Sabine Hansmann (HCU Hamburg), Dr. Sumugan Sivanesan (anti-disciplinary artist, researcher and writer)
Introduced by Tatjana Schneider and moderated by Lukas Feireiss (curator, author)
13.09., 20:00: And Still, It Remains — Film Screening
Film by Arwa Aburawa and Turab Shah
Algeria, Great Britain, 2023 – 28 minutes
The film explores the lingering effects of French toxic colonialism on Mertoutek, a village in the Hoggar mountains in the southern Algerian Sahara. The area was used by the French as a nuclear bomb test site between 1961 and 1966, and still suffers from the effects of radioactive fallout circulating in the water and soil.
Original with English subtitles
Introduction by Licia Soldavini
13.09., 20:40: Two Minutes to Midnight — Film Screening
Film by Yael Bartana
Germany, Israel, 2021 – 47 minutes
The film stages the response of an all-female government to an imminent nuclear threat.
A group of real experts, including defence advisors, soldiers, lawyers, peace activists, humanitarians and politicians, join the fictional government in a debate on unilateral disarmament.
Original with English subtitles
Introduction by Gilly Karjevsky
Dies Das Bar
The Dies Das Bar will be open on Thursday from 16:00–20:00 and on Friday from 19:00–22:00