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Partisan Design Network Camp Berlin

Winter '24/25 (SQ / PRO)
Sarah Bovelett, Burcu Daglayan, Tatjana Schneider, Licia Soldavini, Ayat Tarik und Yue Sun

In October, the Partisan Design Network (PDN) will meet in Berlin for a 2-day get-together—from Wednesday afternoon until Friday night.

GTAS is part of this network of art schools, universities and other educational institutions that inform and support each other in learning, teaching, practice and research and share experiences. A fabric of caring exchange enables experiments in partisanship and socio-political engagement in design practice to be deepened and critically reflected upon.

The get-together of the Partisan Design Network explores the potential of design to support individuals and groups in their struggle against injustices and threats of all kinds. Teaching in particular can contribute to society by addressing real-world problems and the concerns of social actors, interest groups and activists, and thereby positioning itself politically.

With teams of students and educators from Die Angewandte Wien; Raumstrategien, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel; Architektur Stadt Ökonomie, Universität Kassel; Studio Experimentelles Design / Public Design Support, HFBK Hamburg; Studio for Immediate Spaces, Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam; Industriedesign/Produktdesign, HBKsaar;

HyperWerk, HGK Basel FHNW; Studiengruppe Informationsdesign (SI), Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle; Stadtplanung, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Klasse Redaktionelles Gestalten, Kunsthochschule Kassel; Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture and the City, TU Braunschweig;

Performative Räume, Künstlerisch Gestalterische Grundlagen, weissensee kunsthochschule berlin

There will be space for up to 5 students to join the get-together. The trip is supported by SQM. You will be responsible for arranging your own travel and accommodation. The network will provide food over the course of the Camp (Unkostenbeitrag 50 Euro).

Mittwoch, 9. – Freitag, 11. Oktober 2024
Adlerhalle/Dragoner Areal, Berlin


    PDN Camp at Adlerhalle/Dragoner Areal, Berlin